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Be transformed by the renewing
of your mind.
~ Romans 12:2
Heidi went from this:
To this:
It wasn't just eating 0 to 5 that enabled her to release 100 pounds and to stay a healthy size for 7 years! It was learning to think differently about food and eating, about God and herself, about emotions.
This course shows you the "inside scoop" about Heidi's journey. When Heidi used these tools and practices, she released the weight and kept it off. When she didn't, she floundered.
Want to know more? Come inside the membership Portal!
$47 one-time cost
What is included in this online course:
4 Mini-Modules with Video, Audio, and Transcript Lessons
You will learn why the way we think is the "game changer" in our Thin Within journey. Practical tools for changing the way you think will be taught. No materials are needed to apply these tools.
3 Bonus Modules with over 20 audio examples of renewing your mind about various topics
We don't leave you just guessing what Thinking Thin Within might look like. Christina Motley, Heidi Bylsma's coaching partner, provides short examples that you can use to get your own ideas or to start renewing your mind.
Bible Verses files to reference for popular topics
Bible verses that can help you think God's thoughts about dieting, discernment, failure and so on.
6+ tools for Mind Renewal
Learn how to use a God List, Praise Fest, Truth Journaling, Who I Am in Christ list, to think differently so you will believe differently, so you will act differently and see the fruit of new thought patterns.
Laid the groundwork for our coaching program and the workbook,
Fresh Wind, Fresh Desire.
If you are interested in the full 11-week program with a small coaching group (8 or fewer participants) and 2 coaches to walk with you through all the mind renewal strategies as you apply Thin Within's Keys to Conscious Eating, the Think Thin Within course serves as a great introduction.